November 28, 2008

who says it's only for scrapbooking?? The kids made signs yesterday for the Thanksgiving Holiday. They had fun putting together and then coloring the boy's clothes (since I forgot to cut them out).


Here's a new cartrige I picked up at Michael's last night. Yep, LAST NIGHT. They have a special going on where they had them all for only $30 each. Saved $60+ just on this one alone. Here's Krissy & my first attempt at making fairies. I also got sports mania, but I haven't had the chance to play with that one yet.

October 22, 2008

Here's another, still learning how to make shadows.
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Here's one of my creations from my new Design Studio!!
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October 20, 2008

I Got It!

I Got it! I broke down and purchased the Design Studio for my Cricut. After coming close to chucking it out the playroom window trying to update the firmware on the machine, I finally got it to work. (Of course I also had three little ones asking me questions like "Mommy, does it work yet? Won't it work? Can I get on the computer soon?" at the same time which makes it all the easier to install stuff. Then, it worked! I Love it! You can do soooo much more with it.

I'm still playing with it and Kevin is tired, I know, of me going "Look honey, Look what I did!" I did have a few projects that I did with it, but my camera battery died and my cell is dead. I'll post soon with some of my new projects!
Have a Good Day!

October 11, 2008

Here's another idea that I got from the Cricut website. I used Doodlecharms, Alphalicious, & Beyond Birthdays for the Cricut. I plan on doing something like this for the teachers on Appreciation Day at school.

October 9, 2008

Missy's Turkey

This was sent to me tonight from my friend. She loves her Cricut as much as I do and is always looking for ideas. She came up with this one from something she saw at Target. It was made by using Walk In The Garden (one that I have picked up numerous times and closely looked at it). The characters she used from it was cornflower & vase2. Also used was a candle punch & regular hole punch. GREAT JOB MISSY! (Still remember the pooh bear you made me!)

I believe that when I scrapbook I perserve memories that myself or my family has had. My littlest one is a perfect example, he's been through so much during the first year. To see him now, you'd never guess how much he has had done. Used CM & Quickutz.

Here's an example of the opposite of the calendar pages. I still need to journal on a lot of pages though but at least they're done. Used idea from web & cricut Opposite Attracts.

October Page

I like to have the months done in calendar style in the kids baby books. Here's one I did partly from idea pages (online & books) and a little from my imagination. Used Quickutz & CM.

Scrapbook Pages

Used Cricut Opposite Attracts & Alphalicious

Baby Bag

Gift bag for my cousin Sarah. Used Cricut Doodlecharms & Alphalicious.

Another Thank You

This one was for my ds's soccer coach. I used Opposite Attracts (Cricut) & Quickutz soccer ball.

Thank You Cards

Thank you card for my dd's soccer coaches. I used Cricut's Opposite Attracts for "Thanks", Paper Doll Dress Up for the grass & Quickutz soccer ball.

Welcome to My Blog!

Ok, first of all I want to welcome you to my blog. Secondly, I wanted a place to show my crafts to my friends and family. Hope you like what you see!!